Our Strategic Approach

We believe that strategic planning is necessary to determine the direction of the Link Academy Trust, particularly as we need to create cohesion around the nineteen rural primary academies. It focuses our efforts, ensures that everyone in the Trust is working towards a common goal and creates a consistent robust approach which is vital within an organisation of 19 rural primary schools. Planning in this way also ensures agreed actions that will contribute to unswerving approach to improvement. Developing strategy takes time, resources and commitment of our leaders. Strategic planning tailored to the Link Academy Trust is developed over time, reviewed and resourced regularly to ensure impact and achieve high quality outcomes.

First and foremost, we set the direction and establish priorities, as this defines the view of success and prioritises the activities that make this view a reality. This helps everyone know what they should be working on, and order their actions. A clearly defined and articulated strategy ensures priority initiatives, the ones that will drive the highest success are given primary treatment. The Strategy ensures everyone is on the same page: the strategic direction is set so all academies and personnel are moving together to achieve the Link goals.

Following the Simon Sinek approach, we always start with the Why to get a deep understanding of the underlying reason for initiatives.

We then prioritise the activities necessary for success. Priorities make it easier to say no to distracting initiatives and activities must be aligned with the priorities.

Finally the importance of successfully communicating the Strategy cannot be underestimated, so our strategies are captured in models or diagrams and always presented ‘on paper’ then we know it has been communicated thoroughly. When everyone knows where we are going, we provide greater opportunities for everyone to help us maximise your success and achieve.

Strong strategy plans facilitates the buy-in and commitment of our leadership team and the whole Trust. We use the Operational Model to ensure we consult with all stakeholders effectively and consider all aspects when establishing a new approach.