Curriculum Leadership Groups

Curriculum Leadership Groups 

The Link Academy Trust Academy has established Curriculum Leadership Groups to focus on the improvement of specific subject teaching and delivery. Through these groups the opportunity for a Classroom teacher to take up a Leadership Role across the Trust supported by an Academy Head is created.

Each group will be supported by an Academy Head/ Executive Academy Head.

Membership will include a representative or shared representative of every Academy within the Trust.

The appointed Chair will manage the meeting as the ‘expert’ in that subject area and the group will appoint a Vice Chair to ensure continuity in the event of absence.

Other speakers may be invited to attend.

The Curriculum Leadership groups will normally meet a minimum of three times each year and will be expected to complete the actions below.

The Curriculum Leadership Groups (CLG) will be responsible for the review of all policies related to the curriculum area for which they are responsible in a timely way in preparation for them to be reviewed by Local Boards, S&C Committee and the Board of Directors.

  • The CLG will run meetings in a professional manner with a designated Chair and Vice Chair, clear agendas and minutes which are agreed at the following meeting and agreed Actions that will be reviewed and developed.
  • The CLG will ensure that current thinking, research, National Agendas and developments relating to the subject area are shared and any Action Plans are in place to improve practice in line with these agendas.
  • The CLG will ensure schools are Ofsted/ SIAMS- ready in their subject areas and good practice, clear documentation, procedures and protocols are in place to ensure the highest outcomes for every school are achieved
  • The CLG will arrange opportunities to moderate judgements and hone practice across the Trust, using monitoring as a tool, where this is appropriate and focusing on consistent and effective assessment with the development of challenge to ensure pupils are able to achieve greater depth.
  • Action Plans will be drawn up following any external inspection to lead improvements and these recommendations are shared and progress is supported.
  • All CLG will consider the Ofsted Framework and to ensure that Intent, Implementation and Impact is fully explored and agreed actions improve teaching and learning further.
  • The CLG will be responsible for developing good lines of communication through emails, skype, document drops to develop high quality and consistent practice.
  • The CLG will ensure that subject skills, understanding and related vocabulary are taught within the overall enquiry-based topic where learning connections are fostered

The Minutes of the CLG will be circulated to the next meeting of the CLG and be available to the Local Boards.

The Standards & Curriculum committee will have access to these minutes and will use them to monitor improvement.

A member of the CLG will be designated to take minutes and distribute them to the group.